The fear of what others think.

What will they think of me? This question destroys dreams, lowers self-esteem and paves the way for some of the unhappiest people in the world.

Are you the person that people think you are? Or do you let them see only a persona carefully created to increase your likeability? Do you tiptoe through life, saying and doing only what other people will find acceptable?

The fear of what others think of you can be paralyzing. Fear of social judgment can cause you to suppress what you think, stifle what you feel and hold you back from what you really want to do. All because someone may think it’s stupid, inappropriate or disapprove of you.

Seeking approval from others up to a point is perfectly fine. However, it becomes a serious problem if you feel as though making other people happy is the very oxygen you need to breathe. It is problematic when you compromise your health and happiness in the process.

Fearing what people think of you is imprisoning. If you constantly seek approval from everyone for every little thing you do, therapy is for you. It is time to allow people to see the real you. When you stop worrying about what others think, you can express your true self more fully and connect with people more genuinely, openly and intimately.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling