Therapy for feelings of depression?

One of your goals for the New Year may be learning how to manage your feelings of depression. You do not have to have a clinical diagnosis of Depression to be suffering from one or more of the symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of depression include:

• feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
• loss of interest in daily activities
• appetite and weight changes
• sleep changes
• increased anger and irritability
• loss of energy
• self-loathing
• reckless behavior
• problems concentrating
• unexplained aches
• suicidal thoughts

Therapy addresses and helps you understand behaviors, emotions, and ideas that contribute to your feelings of depression. A supportive therapist helps you understand and identify the life problems or events that contribute to your depression, such as:

• a major illness
• a death in the family
• loss of a job or a divorce
• general unhappiness
• relationship problems

Therapy helps you understand which aspects of those problems you may be able to resolve or improve. Therapy helps you restructure your ways of thinking to regain a sense of control and pleasure in life. You learn coping techniques and problem solving skills.

Are you committed to making this year different? Take the journey with me.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling