There is no last call…

Our lives are short. We think we grasp this, but we really don’t. Life can be taken away in a blink of an eye.

Everyday, begin to focus your effort on the things that matter to YOU. Spend time with people you enjoy. Focus your energy on the people who love you. Do the things that YOU enjoy. If you don’t know what that is yet, take the time to figure it out. Go out there and experience life. Put down your phone. Live in the moment. There is no right or wrong. You are the only person in charge your life. You decide how this goes, even though you cannot decide its ending, you can determine how you want the journey to be.

No one will be there with a checklist at the end your life, checking off all the things you did or didn’t do. There is no last call. Seize YOUR days. They are yours and yours alone.


Tell me your story.

(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

2 Responses to “There is no last call…”

  1. Michael,

    Getting to the place where you have this state of mindfulness is often the task that most fail. Many define their ‘positive life experience’ through the eyes of others because they are unaware or afraid to grasp their own experience. It is why life is a journey, with ebbs and flows and expectations that may not be realized, but are worthy of the effort. What needs to be ‘seized’ each day that you awake and have breath is the opportunity to discover, listen, learn, heal and thrive.

    Your piece assumes that most understand this threshold and have done the work to get there when in fact most have not. The joy of your message, which I do not not disagree with in its essence, is lost in an inability to even begin to define.

    • Carrie Heinze-Musgrove, MA, LCPC,


      Thanks so much for you comments. This particular post is simply meant to be a reminder that people are in charge of their own lives. I have hundreds of other posts that dig a little deeper, but this one makes no assumptions at all. I have, in fact, spent my adult life helping people “define” and to heal and thrive.

      Please feel free to look around. You’ll find a variety of posts, ranging from short inspiration to a few thousand words that explore topics more deeply.

      Again, thanks for reading and I truly appreciate your comments.
