“Doors are opening. The wait wasn’t punishment. It was preparation.” Why do we believe that bad things happen to us … Continue reading »

Are questions like these consuming your thoughts? Sometimes we need guidance to get past emotional turmoil and back on a path towards happiness in our lives.
Imagine your life when your personal needs and desires are once again a priority. When you can effectively communicate what you will and will not accept. When people in your life value you for who you are and not what they want you to be.
With my Concierge Therapy practice you have help at your fingertips. When you need it. From wherever you happen to be. My services are ideal for busy professionals or for people who simply want the luxury of having a licensed professional available when it is the most convenient and beneficial.
I welcome the opportunity to meet you and begin the journey. You have taken the first step. Take the next.
1. Schedule a consultation
The consultation is free of charge. This is where we discuss whether therapy through video conferencing is appropriate for your situation, whether I’m a good fit and whether you’re comfortable with both me and the process.
2. Schedule your first session
We meet through VSee, FaceTime or Skype. There is no software to buy or install. Payment is through PayPal with a debit or credit card.