Are You Changing Yourself to Please Others?

What are you hiding?

Do you hide your true thoughts and feelings in order to be liked? Do you cater to others? Do you fear that if you allowed people to see the real you, they’d run?

We all want deep fulfilling relationships.

But some of us are in a terrible cycle. Most of us like to be liked. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be liked.

The problem develops when we start changing who we are in order to be liked. The mistake we make is when we let our fear of not being liked guide our decisions. When we become so worried about what other people will think of us that we hide parts of ourselves is when we have to take a step back.

The most common things we hide from people are:

• Things we are ashamed or embarrassed of

• Things we’ll be judged for

• Issues from or past

• Mistakes or failures

• Fears

But here’s the problem. Hiding yourself may preserve the relationship for a while, but the cost is high.

Not only is it exhausting to maintain the cover up, but also these types of relationships will ALWAYS leave you with a fear of being exposed. Hiding also leaves you feeling that you legitimately don’t belong and that you don’t measure up.

The longer you participate in this vicious cycle, the more pain you feel and the more unworthiness you will feel.
If you’re working hard to keep up appearances, my goal is for you to be your true self with the people in your life. This might mean putting an end to unstable relationships.

If you don’t where to start in this process, please reach out to me.

To your successful relationships,


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling