Are you waiting for your life to begin?

When you imagine your “real” life do you picture the perfect you? When you have a better job? When you lose the weight? When the universe fixes it for you? When things calm down? When you finally have enough money? When the kids are grown? When you finally have your sh*t together?

We change for one of two reasons. When we’ve learned enough that we want to or we’ve been hurt enough that we have to.

Have you ever witnessed an outwardly intelligent friend or family member make the same mistakes over and over and over again and wonder how they can be so unaware?

There may be a similar pattern to problems that trouble you. If you are feeling stuck or frustrated, this is a clear indication that it is time for change.

You might be experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction or an overall unhappiness. Maybe you’ve recognized that you are worth more and know that you deserve better. Perhaps you’ve been through a big life event that has caused you to reassess who you are, what you want and how you want to live. Maybe you’re feeling guilty about something that you are tired of doing or angry with yourself that you can’t seem to get it together no matter what you do.

Therapy examines the places where you get caught up and helps you determine new ways to get you unstuck. One of the most important things we look at is whether or not your actions align with what matters most in your life.

The fact that you are in need of a major life change should not be news to you. If your life has become a day-to-day grind and you feel increasingly frustrated and unhappy, it is time. Being stuck and unable to move forward gives us the opportunity to do something about it.

Listen to your heart and take the next step. There isn’t a secret map that will highlight your path for you. Follow your intuition and take inspired action.

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“Look back upon your life and ask: What up to now have you truly loved, what has raised your soul, what ruled it and at the same time made you happy? Line up these objects of reverence before you, and see how they form a ladder on which you have so far climbed up toward your true self.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche

(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling