How can anyone love me?

We pretend, don’t we? We put up a fantastic front. We make believe that everything is ok. We want people to think that we are “normal”. But what lies beneath the surface is a person fraught with shame, insecurities, self-doubt, anxieties and fear.

Being able to love ourselves can prove to be a nearly impossible task for some. So, we attempt to fill the void by loving someone else instead of ourselves. We are desperate for this person to love us back, but at the same time, we never expect them to. When they do, it now defines us. Now, without their love, we are left unlovable again.

Imagine the difference in your life when you are grounded with self-love. When your self-worth is no longer dependent on the opinions of another.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling