Everyone would like to receive caring, emotional support from others when feeling hurt, alone, disappointed, scared or upset.
But what is supportive to one person may not be to another. People differ substantially in the type of emotional support that makes them feel better.
If you want the right kind of support, you have to ask for it.
Most people have different ideas about helpful and unhelpful emotional support. You might show support by giving someone a hug, providing encouragement or express confidence in someone. You might give advice, take on extra responsibilities, problem solve or brainstorm solutions. Or you may just simply listen or just be there.
A good emotional support system can help you feel secure in yourself. But too much of the wrong kind of support, or not enough of the right kind of support, can wreak havoc in relationships. If you don’t care for someone in the “right way”, the relationship may suffer and you may lose your willingness to care for each other.