Perhaps you need to hear this today…

It is OK to be scared, angry or sad, REGARDLESS OF if you believe someone has it worse.

The phrase “someone has it worse than you,” typically results in:

1. invalidating people’s feelings.

2. implying you don’t feel grateful for what you do have.

3. feeling guilty and ashamed for suffering through what you’re going through.

Yes, you may have a roof over your head, food to eat and clothing on your back. Yes, it could be much worse.

However, that doesn’t mean your thoughts, feelings or problems are any less valid.

Here’s how ridiculous this response is:

If you can’t be upset because someone has it worse than you, then by that logic…

you can’t be happy because someone has it better than you.

Ridiculous right?

If you broke your leg, would you ignore and suffer with it because someone else had their leg amputated?

Let’s start treating mental health the same way.

Start with small steps. Catch yourself when you brush aside your own feelings. Let yourself experience and accept the feelings that come your way.

We’re all going through something. 

(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling