
Contrary to popular belief, stressors are not the cause of your problems. Your REACTION to stressors determines whether you cope well or cope poorly.

How people tolerate stress and instability can vary. Whether your stress is a result of major life changes or the cumulative effects of minor everyday hassles, it is how you react to stressful experiences that creates your stress response. Some of us “go with the flow” and accept the situation and some of us try to control it. Your reactivity has a direct influence on your happiness. 

How can a therapist help you?

A psychotherapist helps you to either remove or change the source of stress, alter the way you view a stressful event, lower the impact that stress might have on your body, and teach you alternative ways of coping.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

One Response to “Reactions.”

  1. Art Butler,

    Thank you for sharing such timely words of truth, thought proving wisdom, and heart felt encouragement.
    2015 has certainly been a year of great trials personally and in ministry. In the end, we didn’t experience
    great physical tragedy or death. So, with hope in our hearts, we react with thanksgiving and joy!!
    I’ve personally reached out to DCF services here in Florida. We want to join the battle to reverse
    hatred in our homes manifesting in the lives of innocent children. To many have become collateral damage.
    We love love love all that you guys are doing. It makes a great difference.
    Arthur Butler
    Awaken City Church
    Saint Augustine Florida