
There is one very obvious benefit of physical pain. When you touch something hot, you instantly pull away because of pain. If you did not feel the pain, you might seriously burn yourself without realizing it. Pain acts as a warning sign to illness and injury.

But what about emotional pain? What about the times when emotional pain and suffering leaves us with no seeming benefit at all? What happens when suffering leaves us only with resentment of those who tell us to look on the bright side, count our blessings and remember that time heals all wounds?

Whether or not you are entitled to suffer is not the question. The question is whether or not there is a benefit to the holding on to the suffering.

Whereas pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice. Awareness is the key to overcoming any kind of emotional pain and suffering. When you finally surrender and allow yourself to feel the pain, you will see that you are not harmed and you made it through.

As a result, a new space is created in you for healing and learning. But you have to choose to let suffering go. When you fully experience the pain and accept it for what it is including a willingness to let it go, it will no longer have power over you.

If you are inspired to make some changes, therapy helps you through emotional pain and suffering to transition to a healthier, happier life.

Click here to begin your journey.


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