The Approval of Others.

We walk on eggshells just to please others. We do what they want us to do because it’s just easier. We accept the status quo because everyone around us seems okay with it. We tip toe through life making other people happy. Not because it is what we want, but because we think we’ll win approval or keep the peace..

Whether we admit it our not, our lives our molded by our perception of what other people think of us. What is it going to look like if I don’t take this job? Am I a pushover? What are they saying about me behind my back? What will people think if I get a divorce? How can I possibly spend this money on a vacation? Will they think I’m a bitch for disagreeing? What if my parents don’t approve of my relationship? How can I possibly leave everyday at 5:00 without getting everything done?.

Living the life other people think you should be living is a terrible way to live. Most would argue it’s not really living at all..

Don’t get me wrong; wanting to make people happy isn’t a negative quality. You’re not flawed, bad or ridiculous if making other people happy fills you with joy. Its human nature to want to be liked and accepted..

However, excessive worrying of what others think will have a negative impact on your life. Caring what other people think of you becomes a problem when it is no longer balanced. When you give up what you believe or when you don’t even know what you believe in, you are preventing yourself from living life to its fullest potential..

Therapy helps you find your voice. This is YOUR life to live. YOU are the only person who needs to approve of your choices. Good or bad. Right or wrong..

Therapy teaches you that no one will ever be as invested in your life as you. Only you know what is best for you, and that entails learning from your own choices. Therapy increases your confidence while you learn to trust yourself and your abilities. As you start to learn how to make your own decisions, you can also take full responsibility for your own success or failure. It gives you amazing control over your life..

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