The cards you’ve been dealt.

We all go through things in our life that we don’t like. There are things that we have no control over. There are families we are born into, missed opportunities, problematic situations or things others have done to us that we have no control over and wish we could change.

Nonetheless, you have to be accountable for the life you live. Making excuses and finger pointing for the cards you’ve been dealt does not ever resolve the problem.

We engage in self-pity over the cards, curse the cards, argue the cards, look for answers in the cards sit around and wait to be rescued by new cards.

It doesn’t change this simple fact:

You can’t change the cards you’ve been dealt.

The question becomes… how are you going to play them? Acceptance is key. Therapy addresses these issues.

Click here to begin the journey.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling