
Past failures. Waiting for someone to fix me. A fear of it being discovered that I am not as great as people think. Apprehension that people will see the “real me”. Complete brokenness. Damaged goods.

Past hurts can constantly rear their ugly head. They keep us locked up in chains of pain. Each and every difficult situation we experience tends to add another link to the chain that keeps us in our prison.

Stop. Simply stop. Yes, it’s hard. But this method no longer works for you. You cannot berate yourself and expect to get better. It is time to turn in new direction that you choose.

You are NOT your failures, just the same as you’re not your successes. You’re just you…in all your amazing, unique magnificence. Don’t define yourself by anything external you’ve done or haven’t done. Don’t define yourself by the titles you hold or the things that you own. Don’t define yourself by the label you or someone else has given you. You are enough and worthy of love and success without any of those conditions. The real task begins with loving your perceived brokenness.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

2 Responses to “Unfixable.”

  1. Harold Priest,

    Hello Carrie,
    You are amazing! And you have wisdom beyond your years. When I read your publications there are some ideas in each one that I can apply to my life but THIS one really hit home with me.
    I truly cannot express to you in mere words just how much you have encouraged me here!
    I am blessed to know you 🙂