Who is in your inner circle?

Our inner circle greatly influences our successes and, believe it or not, our failures. Do you ever give consideration to who is in your inner circle and why?

At it’s healthiest your inner circle provides a sense of honesty, encouragement, support, motivation, cooperation, trust, safety and accountability.

Yet, many of us hold on tightly to people in our lives that have no interest in making us a better person. Better yet, we keep people in our lives that show an interest in making us better, only to find out they truly only care about themselves or have ulterior motives.

So why are they there? Many people make the mistake of believing willpower is enough to overcome whatever negative influences your friends or acquaintances may have on you. Maybe it’s an overbearing parent, a condescending boss, an abusive spouse or an insincere friend or an ex.

Maybe you convince yourself that you can just tune your friend out when he or she counters every single idea with a never-ending list of reasons why it just won’t work. Perhaps you try to change the subject when your co-worker bitches yet again about how screwed up it is to work here.

Take the next step.


(817) 946-1620 | carrie@carrienet.com | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling