You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.


Are you drowning and having a hard time believing you’ll ever swim to shore?

We’ve all been there. Call it a crisis. Call it a meltdown. Call it drama or call it losing your shit.

Sometimes we are drowning with fears, negative thoughts or a past that seems to haunt us. Other times we are drowning in work or parenthood. Maybe we feel lost trying to maintain our relationships or feel that certain areas of life require more time and attention than we have.

Up and downs aren’t just part of life, they are life. Some days are rockier than others.

With that in mind, it’s important to acknowledge the story you tell yourself about what is going on.

If you think you’re defeated and you go on thinking that way, well, then…you are defeated. The story you tell yourself is what will propel you to the shoreline or keep you struggling to hold your head above water. The story you tell yourself will either help you move forward past the challenge or it will keep you stuck. It is the difference between what will either empower you or defeat you.

It’s not our problems that overwhelm us. It is our inability to come up with resourceful solutions to them. Most often, the issue is the thoughts we believe about ourselves and our confidence or lack thereof, in our ability to handle them.

Each challenge we face can teach us the lessons we need for real, meaningful, lasting personal change.

Let me encourage you today to keep your head above water and to keep swimming. Find a way to make it through whatever challenges are in your way. You may be down at the moment, but you don’t need to stay there.

Perhaps therapy can be your life vest until you’re strong enough to swim.


(817) 946-1620 | | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling

One Response to “You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.”

  1. Fred Tite,

    This reading has being do resourceful,it has reinenforced my strength to continue working hard ,though I well know that it hasn’t been all smooth just like you put it.

    I believe every time i say “you were born a winner something positive always adds to my guts…and that keeps me moving

    Thank you
    dear Friend